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School Policies

School Policies

  • Student Illness: Please remember our policy regarding illness. If your child has had a fever, vomiting or diarrhea he/she needs to stay home 24 hours SYMPTOM FREE. This way we can be sure they are feeling 100% when they return. If your child becomes sick at school you will receive a call from a school staff member. Sick students will remain in the office until a parent or other emergency contact can pick them up. 
  • Medication: Per district policy, we cannot dispense medication of any kind without written authorization from a doctor. If your child has chronic headaches or other pain issues please get written authorization from your child’s doctor so we may dispense ibuprofen etc. as needed throughout the year. Please schedule your child’s medication around school hours when possible (i.e. before school, after school and at bedtime.)
  • Dismissal: All students will be dismissed at the end of the day from the gym/lunchroom doors. Bus riders leave by 3:10, car-riders will go when the bus leaves and walkers/bike riders will be dismissed last, after traffic has cleared from the parking lot. If you must pick up your child early please send a note to the teacher and come to front doors by the office no later than 3:00pm. If you need to change your child’s usual dismissal routine please call the office as early as possible in the day and send a note to the teacher. This insures that we are aware of the change of plans. 
  • Need to Speak With Your Child’s Teacher? (Preschool-6th Grade): Our teachers are always willing to meet with you when you have concerns orquestions regarding your child. If you need to speak with a teacher, please call the school office and leave a message. Teachers will return your call at the end of the school day or before classes begin the following day. If it is urgent, please let office staff know. Also, Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled twice each year. Please refer to your school calendar for dates and times.
  • Power School:  Power School is the program USD 365 used to track grades, attendance, meal account balances and more. Every family is assigned a password to use to log-in. Power School can empower parents by allowing you to check student grades, attendance and meal account balances. Please use Power School! If you have questions about it or cannot log in please call the school office and we will try to help you. 
  • Meal Account Balances:  All parents/guardians have the ability to check their child’s meal account balance through Power School. Additionally, when an account falls below a zero balance an automated phone call will be made to your home or cell phone! You will receive the call daily until a deposit is made! You can also take advantage of e-funds. This is an on-line payment program that allows you to put money in your child’s meal account. There is a small fee for each payment you make, however, many parents feel the convenience is worth the small fee. 
  • School Website: Click on school campuses and then click on Greeley. The Greeley Elementary home webpage will have newsletter information as well as any updates or changes to information. You will also find pictures of school activities. Each teacher has their own classroom page where you will find their classroom schedule, homework assignments, educational websites, and more photos! We ask that you please be patient while our teachers design their classroom webpages. In the meantime, please go to our home page for your information. 
  • Inclement Weather: As the season changes from autumn to winter, please remember that your child should bring a jacket to school. Even if the afternoon temps will be warmer, the mornings can be cold on the bus, walking to school, or for recess. Please be sure children dress appropriately for the weather, including the type of shoes they wear. For school is cancelations due to weather, please tune into local television and radio stations and listen for Garnett USD 365 cancellation or delayed start. School Reach is now sending automated calls regarding school cancellations. You may contact the school office to verify the phone number you would like School Reach to use.
  • Bullying Policy: We have adopted a school-wide plan to prevent and stop any bullying among students. It involves a 5-step process that begins with a verbal warning and ends with law enforcement and/or suspension. USD 365 takes the problem of bullying very seriously and we will do everything we can to prevent it from happening on school property. There are many forms of bullying and one form is physical: hitting, pushing, shoving, slapping, kicking, spitting at, or beating up others; damaging or stealing someone's property. Other forms of bullying will be discussed throughout the year.